Humphries takes over Weirdworld

by Alexander Jones
2nd September, 2015
1 minute


Marvel author Sam Humphries is taking over Weirdworld from Jason Aaron and switching the main character from Arkon to the brand new young hero known as Becca from the Marvel world. The new title is premiering in December featuring Becca's introduction to the All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe. The hero has an interesting group of supporting cast members including Ogeode a wizard, and Goleta, a killer of wizards. Also included is a character named Catbeast. The news hails from, here's a quote from Humphries on the upcoming comic book:

Lots of elements will carry over from the original [series] by Jason Aaron and Mike. The inherent nature of Weirdworld remains: a place where anything can happen, a place where the lost can be found. But we’re bringing over some characters and continuing some plot lines as well; like Morgan's war against the Swamp Queen and her Man-Thing army. I’ll be like a level 10 thief raiding that book for the ongoing.

Some say Weirdworld was created when a giant warrior was punished by the gods and torn apart. The pieces of his body lingered in the cosmos, and each one became a fantastical island, evolving in isolation. The warrior longed to be reunited, and the parts came crashing together—an untold number of divergent realms, lands, and kingdoms; some say Weirdworld will never know peace until the heart of the warrior returns—and some say that heart is Earth.


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