Step into the Whoniverse with the Doctor Who Megabundle

by Benjamin Williams
12th May, 2024
1 minute

The time has come to expand your collection and dive deeper into the cosmos of one of the most beloved sci-fi series. The Doctor Who Megabundle is here, and it's packed with an array of comics that will transport you straight into the heart of the Whoniverse. What better way to celebrate the Fifteenth Doctor returning to our screens for his first full series? Don't worry. Humble Bundle has you covered.

the Doctor Who Megabundle

What's in the Bundle?

The Doctor Who Megabundle is a treasure trove for fans of the series. Whether you're a long-time follower or a new enthusiast, this bundle offers something for everyone. Here's what you can expect.

There are 61 comics, which you can get for an absolute bargain of just £19.93. It's insane value. But like all Humble Bundles, you're not only gaining access to a universe of content but also contributing to a good cause. A portion of the proceeds from the bundle goes to BBC Children in Need, making it a purchase you can feel good about.

As for what's actually in the bundle, you can see the 8th and 11th Doctors team up to face down the Bad Wolf Empress in Doctor Who: Empire of the Wolf.

A mission to hunt down a threat to Gallifrey puts the Doctor in the sites of the secretive Time Lords known as the Division in Doctor Who: Origins.

Join the Tenth Doctor and Martha as they go in search of the perfect milkshake and instead find themselves manipulated by an intergalactic Pantheon preparing for total war with the Tenth Doctor Archives volume 1-3.

If you're a fan of the older Doctors, then there are stories with the Third, Fourth, Seventh and Eighth Doctors, too.

The Doctor Who Megabundle is now available for a limited time so make sure you don't miss out!

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