The Hoards of Surrey #1 & #2 Review

by Benjamin Williams
14th May, 2022
3 minutes

The Hoards of Surrey issues 1 and 2

The Hoards of Surrey is a  treasure hunt story by Dave Wimblett. Like a modern-day Goonies. I don't know a single person that disliked that film. So a comic that's similar but set in the UK? Should be good, right?

You start with Mike McKenzie. He's forced to visit a museum with his mum where he discovers a book that contains a cryptic note that hints at a secret hoard of treasure scattered across the county of Surrey. So Mike gathers his mates to go on an adventure in search of said treasures. They are, naturally, sceptical but go along with their friend because why not? It's something different to do.

As you progress through, everyone starts believing that maybe there's some truth behind the treasure. Unfortunately for our group of young friends, there's also a secret group called The Order of Surrey that has the teenagers firmly in their sights. It seems that there might be some secrets that The Order wants to remain hidden.

On art duties for both issues is Roy Donald. Its artwork that really shines when drawing some impressive surroundings. Buildings look spectacular without taking your focus away from the characters. The perspective always looks spot on and he makes good use of a mixture of detail for closer items and colour shading for less detailed further away items. Rory's certainly had a lot to work with as the action takes you all over the place.

The Hoards of Surrey Preview one

Faces are light on detail and make use of dark shadows to give them depth. Features are exaggerated to give everyone a distinguishable look. Whether it's Desperate Dan type chins to massive pointed noses, each character has its own look. And yet it doesn't look too cartoony and out of place. They look good.

Ken Reynolds letters both issues as well and does a fantastic job as usual. He keeps everything flowing with clear letters that are easy to read. I've come to expect nothing less.

As for the story, Dave Wimblett has weaved a tale that's pretty out there with a secret society keeping watch - I say out there like there are not actual secret societies. There might be, but how would we know? If we knew, they wouldn't be secret. The main theme though is the friendship of the group. It's a friendship that feels natural. They have some banter, some fun. They also have some tension. Some problems in the group like there always will be with a bunch of teenagers.

The Hoards of Surrey Preview 2

You get that sense of adventure coming through as the promises of riches start to look more and more real. The friends want to bet here for each other but the adventure takes them through some highs (in one case, literally) and lows. Friendships are tested in subtle ways that although on their own won't break the group up, could lead to an outburst as they accumulate. The story is essentially more about their friendship than the treasures they're seeking and Dave nails it. There are so many emotions that the characters go through and talk about that you could almost believe that they're based on real people.

Overall, The Hoards of Surrey is a fun and engaging read. The back and forth between the friends will appeal to many and to have the characters feel well developed in two issues is a testament to the creative team. There's humour, mystery, fun and a slight uneasiness over what's in store for them.

Knowing that this is only a three-parter also provides mixed feelings. Absolutely cannot wait to see how it ends, but also want much more of these characters. I've been swept along by the story and this group and it's been a delight. It's comics like this that keep my love for the UK indie comic scene going.

Rating: 4.5/5

If you'd like to grab a copy of these comics then they're available over on the Cover Comics Buy Small Press store. Issues are £4 each. And the Kickstarter for issue three is going live this month (set for Monday 16th) so keep an eye out for that.

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