Hellboy 3. Er, yes please.
8 years ago we had Hellboy. 4 years ago we had an excellent follow up to an already excellent movie in Hellboy II: The Golden Army. Now the big question is, will there be a third to finish the story off? Hellboy creator Mike Mignola said the other day that a third and final film wouldn't happen, which lets face it, would be a tragedy.
At the EW Comic-Con studio where del Toro and Perlman where showing off footage of the highly anticipated film Pacific Rim, the big news was the pair said that they want to do a third. It's previously been reported that Mignola would only do another film if del Toro would do it again, which is where there was a slight problem as he's a busy guy. But with del Toro now saying that he wants to do it, will there be another one? I hope so.
"I can say publicly that now we are together in trying [to do Hellboy 3]," were the words out of del Toro's mouth. Perlman, sitting right next to him, followed up with: "The [first] two movies were really set up to have this unbelievable resolve," said Perlman. "Everything that was done in both movies was leading up to this destiny, written in stone, of what Hellboy has been summoned to Earth to do. To not do it, particularly in light of the scope that Guillermo is thinking of for the resolve, would be in my mind a little bit of a shame."
Del Toro finished the session with "We're going to make an effort to do it. I hope it happens". As do most fans! Let's make it happen, it's a story that needs finishing.