Commando Comics This Week: 5823-5826

by Benjamin Williams
28th January, 2025
3 minutes

Tally-ho, Commando fans! Brace yourselves for an action-packed week. Commando Comics unveils a thrilling set of issues featuring not one but two captivating Ian Kennedy covers alongside two brand-new stories.

Prepare for more excitement than you can handle, with issues 5823-5826 hitting the shelves from Thursday, 30th January 2025! 

Commando 5823: Countdown to Murder

Commando 5823: Countdown to Murder

SIX… Special Operation Executive agents went on the mission to destroy a German radio base on the coast of occupied France.

FIVE… of them were French, the final was their British liaison, Captain Mark Bradshaw. FOUR… of the agents were men. Excluding Bradshaw, their names were Ronald, Veran and Yves.

THREE… of the six wanted to kill the German SS officer they had captured, the others wanted him alive for questioning.

TWO… were women, Olivia and Brigitte. Both were trained in deadly combat against the Nazis.

ONE of them was a murderer and they were going to kill until there were none left alive. It was a countdown to murder and time was running out!

You can always count on Commando to deliver thrilling stories, and this murderous tale is sure to number among your all-time favourites! A spy thriller meets a whodunnit, Rossa McPhillips' nail-biting script holds all the tension of a ticking timebomb!

Story: Rossa McPhillips
Art: Marc Viure
Cover: Marco Bianchini

Commando 5824: Project "Doomsday"

Commando 5824: Project "Doomsday"

In a Nazi Air Ministry building in Berlin, a heavy file of documents and blueprints contained the secrets of a weapon which had been designed to win the war for Hitler. British Intelligence knew it by two words only — two words which could mean death and destruction for every man, woman and child in Britain — Project "Doomsday".

As we've said, both our gold and silver issues in this set feature outstanding cover art from the masterful Ian Kennedy, which if you ask us is reason enough to pick them up. If that's not enough, though, maybe a rip-roaringly dangerous mission to foil a Nazi rocket launch is enough to whet your appetite!

Story: E Hebden
Art: Galindo
Cover: Ian Kennedy

Commando 5825: Unlucky Gun

Commando 5825: Unlucky Gun

Normandy, 1944. Superstitious young soldier, Sam Draper, has just joined a new unit. Unfortunately, the bullying Corporal Eric Grimes seems to have it in for Sam from the offset! Things only get worse when his unit are sent to Normandy to fight the SS, and Sam's placed in charge of a Bren light machine gun. The problem is, everyone who handled the gun beforehand has met an unfortunate fate. Could the Bren really be cursed?

Now we're not superstitious, but it'd be pretty bad luck to miss out on this issue. Cursed or not, you can expect a lot of machine-gun fire, high stakes action and derring-do - you'd be better off breaking a mirror!

Story: Ferg Handley
Art: Paolo Ongaro
Cover: Marco Bianchini

Commando 5826: Traitor to His Country

Commando 5826: Traitor to His Country

When in Belgium, do as the Belgians do — or die! That was good advice for Ray Verheyen, a young pilot stranded in enemy-occupied territory with Germans everywhere. Luckily, he was in a position to take it, for he'd grown up there and could speak the language fluently.

But Ray knew, with good reason, even that was no real safeguard. After all, hadn't his own father, born and bred in Belgium, disappeared without trace?

Our second Ian Kennedy cover of the set – don't say we're not good to you! It's not often we visit Belgium in Commando but believe us when we say this story makes up for that in the sheer number of twists and turns!

Story: Bernard Gregg
Art: Philpott
Cover: Ian Kennedy

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