Review: Seron #0
Are you looking for a new sci-fi comic set in a high-tech utopia that offers intrigue, espionage, and moral ambiguity? Well, Seron #0 dips your toes into that world as a prelude to the planned six-issue mini-series from Chris Fenn and Jay Rollins.
Seron #0 gives us our first look at the floating technological paradise, Seron. Except it might not be as utopian as it seems, at least not for all its inhabitants. We're introduced to Jezebel, an undercover infiltrator for Seron's version of law enforcement, the Kolob. For a utopia, they're more armoured than you'd expect and not in a subtle way! However, this is Jezebel's first assignment, and she needs to complete it successfully if she wants to continue her career.
The art by Jay Rollins is incredible, to the point that I'd recommend this purely based on the artwork alone, but thankfully, it's more than good art. It's detailed, darkly and vibrant, bringing the pages to life. We are also treated to some concept images and character designs that showcase how much effort has gone into everything.
On to the lettering, and the always outstanding Rob Jones has gone with stylised letters that add a unique charm. It's a distinctive style that the more I look at, the more I like, and I think it's a good choice to complement the art.
The story by Chris Fenn, with story and script editing by Kerryanne Brown and Claire Napier, respectively, is sharp and natural, with both intriguing ideas and characters. It's a short and impactful story that leaves you wanting more, especially since this prologue is quite short. And that's the only disappointing part of Seron #0 - 28 pages and a half is the prologue, while the rest is designs. I'm not just left wanting more; I'm left needing more in the best possible way. I suppose you could say that its shortness has served its purpose.
Overall, Seron #0 is a short but strong start to what should be an exciting series. With the Kickstarter campaign launching in early 2025, there is plenty to get excited about just from what we've seen so far, as this has the potential to be something special. And I can't wait to see what's to come! If you want to keep up with Seron, then check out their website, where you'll find character info, a bit about the creators and where you can follow on Social Media to get the latest updates.
Rating: 4.5/5