X-Men To Launch All Female Group

by Benjamin Williams
20th January, 2013
1 minute

X-Men comics are getting a new series... an all women line up series. Some people seem angered by this, others believe that it works because women in the X-Men universe are pretty dam powerful. Personally, I'm indifferent. Don't mind it at all, but believe that it's mainly to garner extra money and pull in some female fans (and why shouldn't Marvel do that? The whole business is to sell). 

Why do I think they're aiming this at female fans? Well, just look at them. If they were aiming for the male market there'd be cleavage galore. And if you don't want to follow that thinking, the other way to look at it is that my not showing a lot of cleavage, like you get with females in comics, that they're trying to show them as a force to be reckoned with, not just there to look good.

Women are being brought some power in comics, and if done right that certainly isn't a bad thing. Only thing I wish, and they might go this way eventually, is that they hadn't used the X-Men name. You say X-Men you think of Cyclops, Wolverine, Beast, etc (or women wise you'd think of Emma Frost or Kitty Pryde). They need to eventually separate themselves from the name and have one of their own to really stand out.

X-Men issue 1 - women

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